"Chakra" comes from the Sanskrit word for "wheel" and refers to the 7 main energy centres along the spine. Each Chakra or 'wheel' is a spinning bundle of energy or nerves and connects our emotional and physical bodies.
Remaining balanced both physically and emotionally through meditation, diet, exercise and maintaining healthy social relationships keeps our chakras balanced and our body healthy, open & positive.
The 7 Chakras
Starting from the top of the head and working downwards:
"I understand"
Associated colours: Violet, White
The crown chakra connects all the chakras and is responsible for our brain and nervous system. It is the centre of awareness and knowledge, represents enlightenment and spirituality along with connecting us to our life's purpose and bringing us closer to mental bliss.
Those with a blocked crown chakra are likely to be closed-minded, stubborn or skeptical.
Third Eye
"I see"
Associated colours: Indigo
The third eye is linked to intuition and imagination and helps us to come to terms with not having all the answers. The third eye can help you to make clear decisions and concentrate on what really matters.
Third eye blockages can manifest themselves as headaches and issues with sight, concentration and even hearing problems.
"I talk"
Associated colours: Blue
The throat chakra is known as the centre of clear communication, helping you to speak your truth and communicate clearly and effectively while also being able to listen and respond with compassion and confidence.
A blocked throat chakra can result in issues with the voice or mouth as well as present itself as gossiping or dominating conversations.
"I love"
Associated colours: Green
The heart chakra connects the upper and lower chakras and represents our ability to love and connect with others. When aligned the heart chakra encourages generosity and kindness while promoting self-love and confidence.
Heart chakra blockages often present in a persons' behaviour as they can become selfish, isolated, insecure and can even suffer from heart problems and weight issues.
Solar Plexus
"I do"
Associated colours: Yellow
The solar plexus chakra is important for confidence and self-esteem as it connects us to our personal power promoting drive, ambition and both emotional and physical strength.
Blockages in the solar plexus can manifest as digestive issues, low self-esteem and eating disorders.
"I feel"
Associated colours: Orange
The sacral chakra is known as the pleasure centre and promotes not only sexuality and passion but also creativity in the body. This chakra is also connected to our feelings of self-worth surrounding sexuality, creativity and pleasure.
A blocked solar plexus chakra can present as issues with impotence as well as back pain, UTIs and feelings of low self-worth.
"I am"
Associated colours: Red, Black
The root chakra is the centre of your physical being and your sense of physical self. An open root chakra provides grounding as well as security and emotional and physical stability while helping you to withstand challenges.
Root chakra blockages can manifest as insecurity surrounding your basic needs like finances or health as well as arthritis or constipation.
So now what?
Listen to your body.
Practice mindfulness, yoga and healthy habits to keep your chakras open, balanced and put your best self out there.
Much love,
Allison K